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Meet the winners of our writing competition #4

Writer: Waterloo Festival TeamWaterloo Festival Team

For the third time running, Waterloo Festival, in collaboration with Bridge House Publishing, organised a writing competition over the winter along the theme of Transforming Communities. Writers were invited to interpret freely the theme in a 1000-word story. We announced the winners a few weeks ago.

As part of the celebrations, we'll be launching the digital anthology later in June. You can meet the editors and the winners in an online event on Friday, 12th June at 6:30pm. More details to come. Until then, meet some of the winners here! We invited them to send us a video or text introducing themselves and their work, as well as a book suggestion.

We received from winner Theresa Sainbury.

"My name is Theresa and my day job is a GCSE and A level English tutor. I have built a reputation locally for coaching kids with Special Needs. I’ve been writing for years but started to take it more seriously when I applied to do an MA in Creative Writing. I was terrified I might not be accepted (I only have an O level in English) and equally terrified when I was! Post course, I’m working on a novel set in the 1920’s and I write short stories whenever I get stuck."

"My book recommendations: Harmless Like You by Rowan Hisayo Buchanan, and Ponti by Sharlene Teo (who coached me on my course). This is my favourite bit from my story, Transforming Teenagers:

A silence settled in as I thought about what to say next. Matthew concentrated on his lump of blu-tac, a gift from the Special Needs Department to help him concentrate. He circled it between his palms, using slow, hypnotic movements.
“Would you read it – your essay – to the rest of the class? Next week maybe.”
He sucked in the hot air between his teeth, pushed a finger into the plasticine-like ball and prodded it.
“I’ll record it miss. I’m rubbish at reading. And I don’t want them to laugh.

Bridge House Publishing


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