Coin Street have been funded by Illuminated River Foundation’s Community Fund to develop and deliver art workshops for young people aged 9+ for the local community. At Waterloo Festival, we are thrilled to be offering a weekly platform from which to showcase and share the work more widely!
Eleanor Watson wrote to us about last week's session: "Today's art class continued our journey along the river as well as art history towards abstraction... We created a series of drawings of Southwark Bridge from different viewpoints on different shapes of paper and connected them together to make one dynamic drawing. We were focusing on how we experience structures in space through time as we move along the river. We referenced Bowl of Fruit, Violin and Bottle by Picasso during his Cubist period - in which Picasso and Braque created paintings which captured the experience of looking and how eyes are constantly moving. We also looked at living artist David Hockney's fractured paintings of the 80's."
The young people on board this project are:
Jeylan, 12
Rahshae, 11
Hector, 12
Henry, 12
Hanan, 13
Miilee, 10
Sue Kiera, 12
Samuel, 12
Annie, 10
Miriam, 12
You can also follow Coin Street’s Youth and Community Team’s Art and Wellbeing Instagram account on @artatcoinstreet for updates on all things art-related in the Coin Street community.
Illuminated River × BFI: London’s Bridges on Film
The second phase of Illuminated River will illuminate Blackfriars Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Golden Jubilee Footbridges, Westminster Bridge and Lambeth Bridge in spring 2021. You can see Leo Villareal’s vision for each of these bridges artworks by visiting the Illuminated River website. The rich history associated with the Thames and its bridges is core to the Illuminated River project, which you can learn more about from the British Film Institute through our specially curated collaboration, Illuminated River × BFI: London’s Bridges on Film. With films dating back to 1896, the collection of films celebrates over 100 years of life of the Thames, capturing the daily interaction of Londoners at work and play while showcasing the architecture of the bridges themselves. The films can be viewed for free on the BFI player - click here!
You can also follow Coin Street’s Youth and Community Team’s Art and Wellbeing Instagram account on @artatcoinstreet for updates on all things art-related in the Coin Street community.