On Sunday, 15th November, St John's presented an illustrated talk on Hans Feibusch and his forgotten murals in churches all over London and the South East by Emma Rose Barber. Follow the talk below or St John's YouTube channel.
Hans Feibusch (1898-1998) was a superb visionary 20th-century artist few people have ever heard of. He was a German Jewish painter and sculptor who fled Nazi Germany to live in Britain from 1933 until his death. Astonishingly, he is responsible for more murals in Church of England churches than any other artist in its entire history, yet he is only now beginning to receive the attention he deserves. This talk is a virtual tour of some of his ecclesiastical paintings with a particular focus on those he painted in austere, but striking 1950s’ built churches in south-east London and east Sussex.
Emma Rose Barber is an art historian who has been teaching adults for over 25 years. She has spent the last five years with a Mini A-Z of London looking for churches to write about, many of which can be found on her blog. Her book, 111 Churches In London That You Shouldn’t Miss, is being published in September 2020. She is also writing a Cultural History of Wayfaring.
This event is part of European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage organised in the UK by B’nai B’rith. B’nai B’rith UK is a cross-communal organisation whose aim is to bring Jewish people together to promote tolerance, strengthen the Jewish Community, combat racial and religious prejudice, and to help the less fortunate and the disadvantaged. The theme for this year’s European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage is 'Jewish Journeys'.
