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Festivalcast on Morley Radio #9: Women of Waterloo

Recorded remotely between May and June 2020, this episode explores historic figures in Waterloo through new monolouges written by Lorraine Spenceley.

You can read the monologues, published over the last two months as part of Waterloo Festival 2020, here:

Emma Cons: performed by Zoë Teverson

Lilian Baylis: performed by Niki Mylonas

Dot  (The Ladies Bridge): performed by Debbie Griffiths

Creative Curve Theatre Company was set up in 2014. The first performance was Brandy at St John’s, Waterloo. In 2018 Creative Curve Theatre Company developed and performed The Blitz Herstory as part of the Waterloo heritage weekend. The Blitz Herstory is a theatrical piece based on memories of Waterloo and South London’s residents during World War II. The ethos of Creative Curve Theatre Company is the retelling of history from the women’s perspective.

Festivalcast, the Waterloo Festival's podcast series, is brought to you by Morley Radio.

Two female builders carry hods of bricks on a building site, 1941 © Imperial War Museum

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